2025-03-04 19:36:40
DoY 63
MET 4647-03:35:58

NuSTAR ToO targets approved within the NuSTAR, Chandra, XMM-Newton, Swift, NICER, IXPE, and INTEGRAL General Observer programs

    NuSTAR Target of Opportunity (ToO) observations may be proposed for in the NuSTAR, Chandra, XMM-Newton, Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, NICER, IXPE, and INTEGRAL General Observer (GO) programs.

    Last update: 2025-02-23

      Proposal title and abstracts are available here, or click on the Proposal number in the table below. Note that NuSTAR ToO and DDT observations may be requested at any time through the ToO/DDT observation request form which provides a list of currently active unanticipated ToO/DDT targets.

      Proposals will be marked with an orange background when they are triggered and a green background when they are completed. Targets that have yet to be identified have blank J2000 coordinates.

NuSTAR GO ToO programs
ObsIDTarget Name
J2000 RA (deg)
J2000 Dec (deg)
Exposure (ks)
09029Kaya Mori80960303-15Polar WD in high accretion 13 x 20Multi-cycle ToO program
09029Kaya Mori80960301VV Pup123.778337-19.05493520Triggered 2023-06-08
09029Kaya Mori80960302V1033 Cen175.344731-64.17065520Triggered 2024-02-26
09029Kaya Mori80960303AM Her274.05522849.86798960Triggered 2024-10-19
Coordinated with XRISM
09029Kaya Mori80960304V884 Her270.52702018.07884440Triggered 2025-02-22
Coordinated with NICER
09108Reshmi Mukherjee80902634PKS 0446+1172.282 11.357 2 x 40Triggered 2024-01-10
Coordinated with Swift and VERITAS
09138Marina Orio80902337New Symbotic Nova 3 x 20Multi-cycle ToO program
09180Megumi Shidatsu80901338Disk-wind black hole binary 50Coordinated with XRISM
09235Aarran Shaw80902342GX 339-4255.70579-48.789752 x 20Triggered 2024-02-22
Coordinated with JWST
80902343Black hole LMXB 2 x 20Coordinated with JWST
10066Jennifer Sokoloski 81002321T CrB239.8756725.920172x20Coordinated with NICER
10087Gaurava Jaisawal810013224U 1820-30275.91904-30.3612845Coordinated with NICER
triggered 2024-07-02
10090Kaya Mori81001323MAXI J1744-294266.424708 -29.00972220Multi-cycle ToO program
Triggered 2025-02-03
10090Kaya Mori81001324GC X-RAY Transient 2 20
10097Raffaella Margutti81002425Interacting SN 3x40Coordinated with Swift
10100Raffaella Margutti81002426Compact Object GW1 4x40
10100Raffaella Margutti81001427Compact Object GW2 40
10103Yuhan Yao81001628ZTF24aaoxmyb252.725603 32.876719 50Coordinated with Swift
Triggered 2024-07-01
10103Yuhan Yao81001629TDE2 50Coordinated with Swift
10112Qi Feng81002630PKS 1217+02185.05 2.06 2x40Coordinated with Swift & VERITAS
Triggered 2025-02-07
10134Riccardo Middei810016341ES 1959+650299.9993865.14852x20Coordinated with IXPE ToO & MAGIC/VERITAS
Triggered 2024-12-10
10171Jiachen Jiang81002337SWIFT J0243.6+612440.9184661.434393x20Coordinated with NICER
10182Dheeraj Pasham81002638AT2024kmq180.655 35.393 20+20+40Coordinated with NICER
Triggered 2025-01-20
10185Kirill Sokolovsky81002339New Nova 3x50
10191Mirko Krumpe81002640Changing look AGN 2x150Coordinated with XMM
10198Andrea Gokus81001641High-Z Blazar 100
10216Javier Garcia81002342IGR J17091-3624257.281708 -36.407139 3x30 10x20 2x30 3x50Coordinated with NICER
Triggered 2025-02-14
10220Megumi Shidatsu81001343Low inclination Black Hole Binary 30Coordinated with XRISM & Swift

No XRISM ToO selected - program suspended
81001344High inclination Black Hole Binary 30
10245Guglielmo Mastroserio81002345GX 339-4255.70579-48.789753x20Coordinated with IXPE
10246Daniel Lawther81001646MRK 59033.63983-0.7667290Coordinated with XMM
Triggered 2024-06-29
10249Sean Pike81001347MAXI J1752-457268.268 -45.869 2x20Triggered 2024-11-10
10249Sean Pike81002348Unknown MAXI Source 2 2x20
10249Sean Pike81002349Unknown MAXI Source 3 2x20
10251Peter Kosec81002350Hercules X-1254.4575435.342362x20Coordinated with Chandra
Triggered 2024-08-15
10257Amruta Jaodand81002351X-BNS 100+75+75
10267Jon Miller81001652PG 1211+143183.5736214.0536780Coordinated with XRISM

No XRISM ToO selected - program suspended
81001653MRK 817219.09258.79428100
10268Benjamin Coughenour81001354Transient BH XRB 50Coordinated with NICER
10309Oluwashina Adegoke81002355Blackhole Binaries 3x25Coordinated with NICER
Joint NuSTAR/Chandra GO ToO programs
25400276Kosec81002301LMC/SMC ULX 3x20
25400338Neilsen81002302Black Hole Transient 4x25
25500335Margutti81002403AT2024qfm350.347753 11.942232 2x25 + 2x40Triggered 2024-08-01
26400066Peter Kosec81102301Magellanic Clouds ULX transient 3x20
26400115Kaya Mori81102302MAXI J1744-294266.424708 -29.009722 2x20Triggered 2025-02-03
26400240Joey Neilsen81102303Black hole state transition 4x25
26500151Raffaella Margutti81102404Interacting SN 2x50
Joint NuSTAR/XMM-Newton GO ToO programs
090022Norbert Schartel80801601PG 1149-110178.014789-11.37335980Triggered 2024-12-09
80801602RX J0134.7-043023.689583-4.50359780Triggered 2024-12-05
090332Rafaella Margutti80802406AT2024wpp40.522853-16.9563972x25+2x40Triggered 2024-11-14
094004Norbert Schartel81001611RQ AGN outburst 150Coordinated with SALT or HET
094004Norbert Schartel81001612RQ AGN outburst 150Coordinated with SALT or HET
094084Rafaella Margutti81002513SNinteracting2x50
094134Erin Kara81001614Mrk 817219.09195858.79426960Coordinated with HST
094209Michael Nowak810013154U 1957+11299.85004211.70829420
094218Murray Brightman81001516NGC 4045 ULX180.6762081.96925100Coordinated with Swift monitoring
094376Samuel Barnier81002317BH XRB outburst10x20
094484Maxime Parra81002318IGR J17091-3624257.281708-36.40713910x20Coordinated with Swift monitoring
Triggered 2025-02-14
096056Raffaella Margutti81102409FBOT12x25, 2x40Cycle-24 observations begin 2025-05-01
096105Arianna Miraval-Zanon81101310ms pulsar60Coordinated with NRAO/GBO
Cycle-24 observations begin 2025-05-01
096132Alessandro Papitto81101311accreting ms pulsar110Coordinated with IXPE
Cycle-24 observations begin 2025-05-01
096133Sergio Campana81101512GW counterpart NS merger60Coordinated with HST and NRAO
Cycle-24 observations begin 2025-05-01
096346Nanda Rea81102313magnetar outburst60, 100Cycle-24 observations begin 2025-05-01
096405Eleonora Troja81101514GW afterglow150Cycle-24 observations begin 2025-05-01
Joint NuSTAR/INTEGRAL GO ToO programs
2140005Maria Teresa Fiocchi81001319Ultra-compact XRB25
2140012Ingo Kreykenbohm81001320Transient pulsar40
Joint NuSTAR/Swift GO ToO programs
1821098Kirill Sokolovsky80801310New Nova40
1821161Maria-Carla Nicotra80801311FRB120
1821161Maria-Carla Nicotra80801312FRB220
1922051Liliana Rivera Sandoval80902423Fast-evolving luminous transient3x20
Joint NuSTAR/NICER GO ToO programs
06039Teruaki Enoto80902311Magnetar Outburst20+30+50Coordinated with DSN
06057Fiamma Capitanio809023124U 1630-47248.50671-47.393003x20 + 20Triggered 2023-03-07
Coordinated with IXPE
06057Fiamma Capitanio80902313SwiftJ1727.8-1613261.930583-16.2053224x20Triggered 2023-09-04
Coordinated with IXPE
06078Yuhan Yao80901615Tidal Disruption Event50
06113Adam Ingram80902316GRS 1915+105288.79816710.9458063x20 Coordinated with IXPE
06141Jingyi Wang80902317Transient BH Binary3x20
06143James Steiner80902318Cygnus X-1299.59033335.2016113x20 Coordinated with IXPE
Triggered 2023-04-07
06197Joseph Neilsen80901320GRS 1915+105288.79816710.94580625
06203Paul Draghis80901321SwiftJ1727.8-1613261.930583-16.20532230Triggered 2023-08-28
80901321BH transient #230
07041Alice Borghese81001304Magnetar outburst #1 20
07041Alice Borghese81001304Magnetar outburst #2 20
07082Teruaki Enoto810023061E 1841-045280.330596 -4.936433 20+30+50Triggered 2024-10-04
07126Gugleilmo Mastroserio81001307Black hole transient 50
07141Muryel Guolo81001608AT2024kmq180.65531 35.39312 50Triggered 2024-10-28
07164Keigo Fukumura81002309MAXI J1810-222273.17-22.313x20
07170Edward Nathan81001310GRS1915+105288.79816710.94580630
08005Teruaki Enoto81102315MAGNETAR OUTBURST 20+30+50 NICER cycle-7 observations begin in 2025 March
08079Joseph Neilsen81101316GRS 1915+105 288.798167 10.945806 25 NICER cycle-7 observations begin in 2025 March
08110Alice Borghese81101317Magnetar outburst #1 20 NICER cycle-7 observations begin in 2025 March
08110Alice Borghese81101318Magnetar outburst #2 20 NICER cycle-7 observations begin in 2025 March
08149Paul Draghis81101319BH outburst #1 30 NICER cycle-7 observations begin in 2025 March
08149Paul Draghis81101320BH outburst #2 30 NICER cycle-7 observations begin in 2025 March
08165Riley Connors81101321Black Hole Binary 4x20 NICER cycle-7 observations begin in 2025 March
08172Oluwashina Adegoke81101322Black Hole Binaries 6x20 NICER cycle-7 observations begin in 2025 March
08186Edward Nathan81101323GRS 1915+105 288.79816710.945806 30 NICER cycle-7 observations begin in 2025 March
Joint NuSTAR/IXPE GO ToO programs
02036Svetlana Jorstad81101605LSP/ISP BLAZAR20Coordinated with Swift
02151James Steiner81102306H1743-322266.565-32.233582x20Coordinated with NICER
02156Yash Bhargava81102307AQL X-1287.816920.584972x20Coordinated with NICER
02191Maxime Parra81101308IGR J17091-3624257.281708-36.40713920Coordinated with NICER
Triggered 2025-02-14

NuSTAR Main Site