NuSTAR CALDB Release Version: 20201101
Release Type: CALDB release

Summary of changes:
During production of the NuSTAR clock file, a number of gaps were identified in the engineering files sent to the Science Operation Center (SOC) from the Berkeley Mission Operations Center (MOC). These engineering files are primarily used by the clock correction code to track the temperature of the clock oscillator.
When possible, these engineering files were re-delivered to the SOC and the affected sequence IDs have been reprocessed and redelivered to the NuSTAR data archive at HEASARC. A list of these sequences IDs can be found here:
The clock correction file in this release was produced based on the updated engineering files and is expected to provide improved performance than the previous clock file, especially for observations that occurred during the gaps in the DLOG files.
For a list of remaining known timing issues, please see:
which is updated as needed.