Release 20170727

NuSTAR CALDB Release Version: 20170727

Release Type: CALDB patch.

Pre-requisite: NuSTAR CALDB Release 20170614 or later and NuSTARDAS v1.8.0 or later.

This CALDB patch is a required update for using saamode=3 now available with NuSTARDAS v1.8.0.

The CALDB tarball contains the following files:


It can be downloaded via this FTP link:

Summary of changes:

In this CALDB release we have updated the CALDB files used for SAA filtering. This includes new keywords in the nuCsaapar20100101v003.fits file that describe the new portions of the orbit that have natural background variations from NuSTAR�s path through the radiation belts. These regions are now excluded from estimating the background fluctuations. Previously these regions could only be described by lines of constant latitude and longitude; now we have more flexibility to determine the regions that should be rejected.