NuSTAR CALDB Release Version: 20160606

Release Type: CALDB patch.

Pre-requisite: NuSTAR CALDB Release 20160502 and NuSTARDAS v1.6.0 or later

The CALDB tarball contains the following files:


It can be downloaded via the FTP link:

Summary of changes:

In this CALDB release we have updated the CALDB files describing the detector gain, the optics effective area, and the absorption along the photon path in the instrument.

We recommend that any data processed with a CALDB version earlier than 20160502 be reprocessed and re-analayzed with the new calibration data.

GAIN, v007:

The longer mission baseline has allowed a more accurate calibration of the time-dependent detector gain and offset over the livetime of the mission, resulting in the updated v007 version of the detector gain CALDB files.

DETABS, v003:

We have re-measured the detector absorption thicknesses of CdZnTe and Pt which affect the low energy effective area of the instrument. The new absorption values are given in the v003 detabs files. The details of this analysis are given in Madsen et al. (2016), which is current in prep. A preprint can be found under the “Technical Publications” section on the NuSTAR website here:

VIGN, v007:

The updates to the gain and detector absorption CALDB files required us to recompute the optics calibration against the Crab as described in Madsen et al. (2015) (

The changes represent our current best assessment of the instrument calibration over the mission lifetime, and may result in differences from previous CALDB releases between 3 - 4.5 keV on the order of a few percent.