Release 20140414

Summary of changes:


The NuSTAR CLC files have been adjusted to improve the gain calibration
for all pixels and grade combinations. Corrections vary grade-by-grade,
but in general the absolute energy scale shifts by less than ~80eV and
the gain shifts by less than 0.02%.

The only noticeable change to science users should be for DET2 on FPMA,
where the previous CLC files produced poor gain calibration for different.
As this is opposite to the nominal optical axis position we do not expect
many science users to be affected by this change.

After all of the calibration corrections have been applied, the residual
error in the absolute energy scale is typically 10 to 20 eV for all
grade combinations (less than half a NuSTAR PI channel width), while
the gains are typically accurate to a statistical uncertainty of
one part in 100,000. The one exception is for DET2 on FPMA, which
appears to have small non-linearity in the gain response at high
(>80 keV) energies while the energy response across the NuSTAR science
band (3 - 79 keV) appears to be consistent with the other detectors.


This version of the clock file contains all clock corrections during the mission up
to 2014-07-01 (v36 of the clock correction file) and is required when using 
barycorr to correct the arrival times of the individual photons. 
This file can be used for all observations prior to 2014-07-01