
- NuSTARDAS v1.4.1:

  Major changes introduced in this version:

  * nuproducts:

    1) Modification of the internal run of the FTOOL 'grppha' to define a PI energy range by using two new input parameters 'grppibadlow' (replacing 'grppibad') and 'grppibadhigh';
    2) Addition of the new input parameter 'usrgtibarycorr' to regulate the barycenter correction of the optional input user GTI file ('usrgtifile').

  * nupipeline:

    1) Modification of the call to the 'nuproducts' module;
    2) Addition of the new input parameter 'productsgtibarycorr' to regulate the barycenter correction of the optional input user GTI file ('productsgtifile') for spectrum and light curve extraction.

  Summary of changes:

  - nuproducts (grppha):

    Improvements to the user interface for nuproducts allowing the user to automatically apply grppha corrections to the output spectrum. Default values for the low/high bounds of "bad" channels in the grppha call are at 3 and 79 keV, which allows users to "ignore bad" in XSPEC to ignore data outside of the usable science range for NuSTAR. The user accepts responsibility for the effect of binning the data; we encourage the users to explore the literature on binning and the impacts of various fit parameters before using grppha.

  - nuproducts (barycorr):

    Improvement to the user interface for nuproducts allowing the user to specific a usrgti file in barycentric time (e.g. for individual pulses or bursts in a pulsar). By default, the pipeline assumes that usrgtis are given in NuSTAR-epoch time and are barycenter corrected.